Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Forgive me, Blogosphere, for I have sinned. It has been two years since my last post.
Let's see... Oh yeah, so I did my dream job at the video store for a while, that was cool, watched lots of movies. Lots. Met a lot of people in the neighbourhood. Slacked off. So, yeah, when the Great Video Store Purge of '08 came, I was out on my ass. Ended up working as a telephone fundraiser, poorly, and just enough to cancel my measly EI allowance. Decided to go back to school, which is good but won't pay off for another two years. Two years. Two more years of being broke but at least I'm in good company, which misery loves, as much as misery can love anything, I suppose.
I've lived pretty hedonistically for the last few years, but I've always had a good excuse and an inflated sense of my abililty to "get down to brass tacks" when the time came. Now is about the right time to get down to those tacks, but I'm still adjusting to the move so I'm giving myself time to just hang out and have fun with my friends for a while. Next week I'll be all business.
Work, fun, yeah that about covers the past two years. Don't want to bog you down with details, or maybe I just don't remember them.
So what do I do now, play 30 rounds of Bejewelled2 or how does this work?

1 comment:

captainorange said...

Well, some of us wouldn't mind a few details. "What are you going to do at school," is the chief of those.

Oh, and bejewelled is an evil time-sucking vampire game... Just saying.